
Michael Song

Kenya; Aids Pandemic

              AIDS has become an increasingly serious problem among the Kenyan people. Many may wonder why AIDS has become a serious pandemic in Nations like Kenya, yet the answer lies in the traditions and the custom made by the people. The Kenyan lifestyle for the General population plays a major role in causing HIV. Also, the virus has decreased the economic and social development in Kenya. It seems to have taken over every aspect of human life in the land.

            The Kenyan lifestyle for the General population plays a major role in causing HIV. Prostitution is becoming more and more popular among young women in poverty who cannot afford proper education. Women would drop out of school, travel to a major city, and engage in business day and night thinking it will benefit her (BBC para.4). In the city of Kinsumu, a shoreline for tourists means that many girls will receive a customer and be paid 50 shillings, which is about one dollar per customer (para.5). Traditions are only a part of the problem. Wife inheritance is a process in which the widowed wife is the property of the late husband’s brother after the husband’s death. Many wives be pressured or may choose to fulfill this tradition after the husband’s death to solve financial problems such as debt (para.6). Male dominance governs the social society of Kenya. Women have no say over anything whatsoever. This means that they must follow every single command of their husbands no matter what they ask of them. Many husbands are infected due to poor sanitation and engage in activity with their wives and transmit the virus in this fashion (para.8). If change is to occur, it is necessary that many traditions and customs such as wife inheritance must be expelled for the well being of the Kenyan public.

            AIDS has decreased the economic and social development of Kenya due to the large number of folks infected with the virus that unable to work . The majority of those infected once had jobs such as mining and farming. With the number of people infected, the work forces dwindle that, as a result, grinds the economy to a halt. Also, over 650,000 children are orphaned as of 2003, which create hardships for the nation because of all the medical and funeral costs that the nation has to pay (para.3). Those who become infected can and will lose their homes, jobs, and social status once their illnesses are discovered. Due to a father’s illness, entire families have become beggars on the streets with no food or water. Orphaned children are the result of both parents contracting the virus, and are forced out on the streets once they are dead of discovered (para.4).

            In conclusion, AIDS has become an increasingly serious problem among the Kenyan people. The Kenyan lifestyle for the General population plays a major role in causing HIV. The virus has also decreased the economic and social development in Kenya. AIDS, now for almost twenty years, has been a major setback in Kenya’s prosperity and freedom. Those living in Kenya are under constant fear not only of the health of their family members, but also for their social status.

Works Cited

1.    "AIDS in Kenya." BBC. BBC News. 18 May 2009 <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/545033.stm>.

This source provided me with the vital information of lifestyle of the Kenyan people and a few principle causes to why AIDs is such an issue.


2.       "Currents: Kenya." Global Normads Group. 18 May 2009 <http://www.gng.org/currents/kenya/ken_hiv.html>.

This source provided me with the statistics and the evidence that the AIDS was affecting the families and that the virus was destroying the economy and social status’s.

Last updated by Michale Song on Friday, May 22nd, 2009.